Kids in the Know: Healthy Relationships For students in grades 7 and 8
Dr. Michael Salter, a criminologist from Australia, helps us understand healthy boundaries, consent, and what constitutes sexual abuse.
Safe Personal Boundaries
4 minutes
Do you know why personal boundaries are key to your protection? Watch this video to learn what our crime expert Michael has to say about it.
Child Sexual Abuse
4 minutes
What is child sexual abuse? Did you know it can also happen online? Learn more as Michael discusses this topic.
Spot the Red Flag Behaviours
4 minutes
Do you think you would know if someone was trying to control you? Learn from Michael about how to identify control tactics.

Lost control of a sexual image or video online? There is help. Visit to learn more.
These videos are adapted from the Kids in the Know: Healthy Relationships lesson for high school. To access online and personal safety lessons for students in additional grades, visit